Monday, January 31, 2011

Re Blog: Street Art and the Site Specific

Seeing these images of Buff Diss' taped hand works on Wooster Collective this morning got me thinking about Street Art again and how it is intentionally site specific.

The taped works were made over a weekend with help from  South Australian emerging artists, Jason Ankles, Remi Pichete and Joshua Smith and positioned in the Adelaide Central Market.

Okay, so this work was a commissioned piece through Carclew Youth Arts, the Australian Government and in conjunction with the Adelaide  City Council, but none the less the work is very specifically targeted to its environment. A hand emerging from under a noodle bar holds a pair of chop sticks. Clever, no?

Above via Wooster Collective
Earlier in the week Wooster posted the above imagine of Above's (get it?) tour of Brisbane during the devastating floods.  This stencil illustrates how important environment is to a Street Art work.Often the site is just as important as the actual work and the effectiveness of the work is often dependant on it. 

As Street Art gets more and more popular, the difference between Street Art and graffiti (not Graffiti) gets more and more pronounced. With Street Art,  you see evidence of  planning, and composition which rivals a Jan van Eyck painting, you know this was something that was drawn up many times before it hit the wall. But its not only technique that is important but originality, style and oh yeh visibility.....So take a look around, glance at the bottom of walls, gutters, corners because you're not going to see a Blek le Rat rat up high. 


1 comment:

  1. I love street art - these are some wonderful examples...thank you for sharing!
